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A tale from our core book pack

The Tiger Who Came to Tea

  • Read the story to your child
  • Talk about who is in your family
  • What do you have for tea?
  • Talk together about the things the tiger ate and drank
  • Why couldn’t Sophie have her bath?
  • Count together how many are in the family?
  • What is your favourite part of the story?
  • Do you think the tiger ever came back?
  • How does the story end?

Beyond The Tiger Who Came to Tea

  • Who else might come to tea?
  • What animal would you like to come to tea?
  • What would you feed the tiger?
  • Have a pretend tea party with your toys
  • Who would be sitting around your table for tea?
  • Use the teabag to make a cup of tea. Talk with your child about the kettle and what it is for – add some milk and when the tea has cooled, have a taste! – Did you like it?

Useful Websites for The Tiger Who Came to Tea story

Youtube – The Tiger that came to Tea story

Youtube – The Tiger that came to Tea stage show

BBC Bitesize – Animal Patterns